Know The Dive Ao Nang Crew for this coming season

TK Social Marketing Chief
TK (Ton Khao) the jungest one in the team. He grows up with The Dive Ao Nang and is a certified PADI Junior Open Water Diver. He learns Thai English and German. TK assist The Dive Ao Nang everywhere when he has time.

Sirena (Pum) Background officer
Sirena is a PADI Rescue diver. From the start of The Dive Ao Nang Sirena takes care in the background of the business from administration, paperwork and booking etc.

Yut is an experience dive instructor working at The Dive Ao Nang for many years.
He was free climbing instructor before. Yut always has a big smile all over his face but when he teach diving the smile is very serious :).
He teaches diving in English and Thai.

Goyo is dive instructor for more than 12 years.
He teaches diving in Spanish, English and French.
He is the new one in The Dive Ao Nang Team.

Boat (The Transporter) is our quiet on land transporter and care taker of all the equipment.
Boat doesn’t speak much but transport every one smooth and safe.

Liz Co-Founder, CEO, Dive Instructor and more of The Dive Ao Nang.
He is PADI Master Scuba Dive Instructor. He starts diving in 2004, is dive professional since 2006 and teaches diving since 2007.
He teaches diving in English, German and Thai.
Liz was living, studying and working long time in Germany and Austria.
He spent many years working for many Film service companies in Germany.
Liz turned back to Thailand since 2006 and takes care for The Dive Ao Nang and if he has time he also takes care for international film service productions.

Come and dive together.
Dive with Style
The Dive Ao Nang